Wednesday 16 May 2012

MiSS aJuMMa (KoREan DRaMa)

hi olsss.... this is the new korean drama yg IH layan... actually this drama replaced the previous korean drama yg IH cite dolu2 tue... 'while you were sleeping'... dpt jgk IH tgk ending story nyer... ok but i expect more for the ending... hurmmmmm... this new drama 'miss ahjumma' just started few days back... br 2nd or 3rd episode kot... and as usual IH tgk yg ulangan jer... 9.15 am - 10.35 am.... then sambung tido balik.... hahaha.... watch it @astro one tv asia channel 393 (promote gitew...)
miss ahjumma drama is a story about miss ahjumma... house wife with 1 kid... taking good care of her family (husband + son + mother in law)... until she forgot to take care of her self... then the husband have a scandal... they divorce.... after that she start to change her style...
same mcm cite2 yg pernah di tayangkn kt tv... wanita berubah dr x brape cantek to a beautiful women


  1. awk... leh tax nk tau cemane awk tgk ending die.. pls rply me

  2. reena: try cr kt internet jgk tp x jumpe... skrg nie tgk kt astro jer... channel 393... reena tgk kt mane jer?...
